Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Every student has had at least one moment where they think they aren’t going to make it. There aren’t enough hours in the day, they have no time to study, and the final is cumulative.  Some students just say “forget it” and don’t study. If they fail, they fail. But other students are turning to the popular drug Adderall, which is prescribed to people with ADHD.
The active ingredients in Adderall are synthetic substances that are created in a lab. It isn’t natural, and is made of stimulants such as amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. These two drugs are related to methamphetamine, which IS illegal and is harmful.
Adderall, like most other prescription pills can be very addicting. This is especially true for people who haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD. This pill gives you an extreme sense of well-being, and can put you in a very focused state of mind, which makes people want to continue taking it. Regardless of these good feelings though, you can become dependent on it and without it you may not be able to function properly without it. Maybe it won’t harm your organs, but it does make you depend on it.
If an athlete can’t use steroids to be better than their competition, students shouldn’t use Adderall.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Harmful Effects of Soda

Our grandparents, parents and teachers are always arguing with us about our soda intake. “The sugar will rot your teeth,” or “It will make you too hyper and you won’t be able to sleep” are common comments heard when children are trying to drink their favorite soft drink.

The truth? Soda is terrible for you.

First of all, it WILL destroy your teeth. There is acid used as a preservative in soda that will dissolve the enamel on your teeth. The more your teeth rot, the easier it will be for this acid to get to your gums which could cause multiple types of infections. Your teeth aren’t the only things that will suffer; your bones and kidneys are affected by the acid in soda as well. There is phosphoric acid in soda that can lead to kidney disease or failure.

We’ve all heard it before: “there’s so much sugar in soda!” but do we really know how much is in there? In a 12oz can of Mountain Dew, there are 47 grams of sugar! Around 15-20 minutes after drinking that 12oz can of Mountain Dew, your blood sugar will spike causing an insulin burst. Your liver will then respond by turning any of that sugar into fat. So not only is it a LOT of sugar, it adds a lot of fat.

The caffeine in soda isn’t healthy for you either. Sure, a lot of people depend on the caffeine in coffee every morning to function throughout the day, but coffee doesn’t have the same amount of caffeine as soda does. The amount of caffeine in soda can cause jitters, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and vitamin and mineral depletion.

                So, next time you reach for the soda in the grocery store… think about all the health problems it could cause and head for the juice isle instead!


FUN FACT: The average soda drinking American drinks 56 GALLONS of “soft drink” a year!