Thursday, July 14, 2011

Healthy Fast Food For Children?

From French-Fries to Apple-Slices?
19 restaurants have recently pledged to begin offering healthier options in popular, "Kid's Meals," with Burger King being a particularly big name among the group. In this era of increasing childhood obesity any effort should be appreciated, whether it is truly heartfelt or a publicity ploy. 

Now the general public has more options when it comes to what they and their children want to eat--the ball's in our court.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

10 Tips For Being Safe When Drinking (If Of Course Of Legal Age)

Thanks to Indiana University for segments of this list(click the link for more tips on drinking wisely)!

If you are of the legal age to consume alcohol there are certain things to keep in mind: 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Now This Is Just Absurd

As if you needed another reason not to use Cocaine, it, "used to get you high, now it rots your skin [warning, slightly disturbing images]." That's right, in a disturbing trend in New York City and Los Angeles, Cocaine is being "cut" with a drug that veterinarians use to de-worm animals known as levamisole. In human beings this drug has the side-effect of causing such severe damage to blood vessels under the skin that dead patches form and literally rot off.

 While the damage done by this Cocaine mixed with levamisole may be most evident in big cities, don't think Cocaine anywhere else is better off. According to the article, "In 2010 the Drug Enforcement Agency said 70% of the Coke coming into the US was cut with levamisole." If Cocaine were a commercial product the ad would go something like this, "Cocaine, now with added skin rot."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Amy Winehouse--A Living Warning Of The Danger Of Drug Use

Amy Winehouse in her happier days of 2003.
Amy Winehouse was (allegedly, no way to be sure) horribly intoxicated and drugged when she attempted to perform in Serbia on the first stop of her newest music tour. She spent almost an hour and a half struggling to remember her own lyrics, slurring her speech, and otherwise serving as a walking, talking example of the dangers of drug use. She's had to cancel some of her performances and may have to cancel all of them and has gone from a promising young musical talent to the punchline of jokes. As the lyrics say, "They tried to make me go to rehab, I said, 'No, no, no.'" Well, Ms. Winehouse actually did say yes to rehab--numerous times--but she keeps appearing to be having substance abuse issues. If anyone serves as a good example of why it is wise to not even start using drugs, she is it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Why All The Bitcoin Controversy?

There is a new form of Internet currency that is not a part of any nation or bank. It is called a Bitcoin. Invented in 2009, you can buy this currency with money from another nation and use it to purchase goods and services on the Internet or (donate Bitcoins to other individuals). Sounds great, right?
The Bitcoin Logo
Some people say it is the future of currency, a form of money that has no one country to call its home. However, others like Senator Charles Schumer have expressed concern over the fact that Bitcoins have potentially been used to purchase illegal drugs on various internet websites. After all, when you have a de-centralized, untraceable currency, you can use it for good or less savory actions such as buying drugs, and other illegal substances without a trace. Some argue this is the government trying to get rid of Internet privacy and shut down a clever idea. Another group say it is just about protecting people from substance abuse. In the end the question may be if the positives of the Bitcoin outweigh the negatives, or if this was an interesting idea that just wasn't meant to be.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Mental Disorders and Alcohol Dependence

A new report published by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health has found that among adults with mental illness, the risk of alcohol abuse is four times more likely that adults without mental illness. This data is alarming and shows that when helping someone with a substance abuse problem it may be worthwhile to also rule out any other possible issues they could need help with.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Legal Or Not, It Still Isn't Good For Anyone

The Global Commission Report On Drug Legalization has suggested that by legalizing drugs we can reduce economic strains such as paying for drug-law enforcement and prisons for violators. The Office of National Drug Control has released its own counter statement about how legalization is a, "non-starter," and that it is aware just arresting people for drug abuse is not an answer. The thing is, whether you make all drugs legal or not, there still is one irrefutable fact--they cause damage to the user and he people around them.
Even if powder-cocaine is legal it will still severely damage your nose, and meth will still rot your teeth. Regardless of whatever action the Global Commission Report on Drug Legislation recommends and what action the Office of Nation Drug Control takes, the truth still is that these drugs lack medical value, especially because people have a high propensity to abuse them. It isn't about the politics of drugs, and what is legally allowed or not, it is about what is going to permanently damage your body beyond repair if you develop a nasty habit of drug abuse.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nicotine Affecting The Brain As Harshly As Cocaine? Believe It!

The main chemical which addicts you to cigarettes and other tobacco products is Nicotine, and it is known that cigarettes are extremely bad for your health. Cocaine does not contain Nicotine, but also has chemicals which stimulate chemical production in the brain of Dopamine--a chemical that makes you feel good. A recent scientific study found that the first exposure to Nicotine affects the brain the same way as exposure to Cocaine, meaning that despite having different chemicals they impact similar parts of the brain that may help scientists explain addiction behavior. It also shows that something legal like Nicotine can be just as much of a hazard to your brain as Cocaine. In other words, in some aspects they impact the brain in the same way.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Not Your Mother's Bath Salts

 The media has been covering with increasing frequency a relatively new drug known colloquially as, "bath salts." Despite the name, people who purchase these pouches of powder have no intention of putting them in the tub, but instead use them for the purpose of getting high.

The problem is that unlike other drugs which may just cause a high and damage your health, bath salts can also make people extremely paranoid, violent, and even suicidal. The risks of bath salts have caused the Drug Enforcement Agency to consider it a drug of concern and other states to outright ban it.

The Federal Government may ban bath salts soon also, but until then the best option is to stay far, far, away from this drug that could never even be argued to have any medical benefit or positive uses. Literally, nothing good can come from bath salts.

One positive thing to note is that while the news media has been reporting about the use of bath salts their use is actually not that common compared to a substance such as alcohol.

Therefore, even though bath salts are very dangerous, it is still a relatively small sub-culture despite what the news would make you think. Drugged driving, drinking and driving, and texting while driving are also dangerous and much more prevalent in society, so just as much attention should be paid to those issues as bath salts.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hookah--Don't Think It's Safe

The trend of engaging in Hookah smoking is growing in popularity. Whether it is going to hookah bars or doing it in their homes, more teens and college students are engaging in hookah thinking it is safer than cigarettes. According to medical professionals such as the Mayo clinic, hookah smoking is not safer. People who would never smoke a cigarette engage in Hookah because they don't realize it still contains tar, nicotine, and other dangerous chemicals that threaten their well-being. Not to mention, if you go to Hookah bar and they don't sanitize the equipment well it is a good way to spread germs, such as catching a cold. It may look fun, but Hookah is by no means safe.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Binge In A Can

Alcoholic energy drinks were very popular before a spate of illnesses resulted in the FDA and other governmental entities having companies quit putting caffeine in their energy drinks. It was a good thing because just look at the size of a Four Loko compared to a regular energy drink such as "Steaz":

At 12.0% alcohol by volume, "Alcopops" such as Four Loko may no longer contain caffeine, but still are quite frankly a, "Binge in a can," in the sense that if you drink a whole Four Loko in one sitting there is no question you are going to get quite intoxicated. To give credit where credit is due, on the Four Loko website they make an effort to stress their product is for those 21 and over and should only be marketed as such in stores. Still, with the bright and colorful can designs is this really a beverage that a 30 year old would want to pick up or something much more appealing to youth?

Four Loko is an alcoholic beverage and like all alcohol the key is moderation and responsibility by those who are legally old enough to ingest it. Also, making the can not look like a fun new soda would probably help.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Apparently It Isn't Just Deep Dish Pizza Being Delivered In Chicago.

Double-check it's Pamesan cheese that's making that pizza so white. 
According to this article, out in Chicago, Illinois, there was a ring of pizza restaurants that weren’t just delivering food, but were also dropping off cocaine. 19 different individuals have been charged, and many people now know that the extra surcharge wasn’t just for delivery.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Songs Encouraging Binge Drinking?

Suppose a song declared that if you weren't getting drunk to get the "bleep" out of the club, would you think that song maybe, just maybe encouraged binge-drinking? Well, LMFAO's song "Shots" is essentially one long ode to over-drinking.

It came out back in 2009 but continues to be popular today. Go to a bar or nightclub and you are almost sure to hear this song played at some point throughout the night, with the whole club chanting along. Another pop song that has seen quite a lot of popularity and which is focused pretty much exclusively on the ingestion of alcohol is Trey Songz (featuring Nicki Minaj) with, "Bottoms Up":

These songs are admittedly quite fun, with exciting dance beats, catchy hooks, and popular artists. The issue is that all this fun is being devoted to an activity such as drinking. There isn't necessarily an easy solution to this, artists can sing about whatever they want, and people who are drinking in the club maybe like doing shots to the song, "Shots," but maybe artists can try and exercise their creativity a bit more and write about a wider range of topics. For instance, does Ke$ha really need to brush her teeth, "with a bottle of Jack?"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lazy Cakes—Not your average brownie!

Within the last six months, Lazy Cakes have emerged as popular new trend for people who want to relax as if in a drug-like state. Discussed by NPR, Lazy Cakes contains a mixture of herbs and chemicals that can make someone tired, sleepy, and otherwise…lazy.

The main chemical is one that naturally occurs in the body at smaller doses known as melatonin but is found in large amounts in Lazy Cakes. The danger with melatonin is that too large a dose can cause the central nervous system to slow down and cause one to have trouble breathing.

With Lazy Cakes you are only supposed to eat only half a brownie, but who honestly would eat just half? If Lazy Cakes make adults feel exhausted and tired, imagine what it would do to a child.

Lazy Cakes are also only meant for adults but if a child were to ingest a whole one -- it isn’t a stretch to say a toddler will need to be hospitalized. Lazy Cakes are currently unregulated, and they are treated as if they are just herbal supplements—in the same manner ass energy drinks.

 are (ironic considering they have an opposite effect). This lack of regulation is a concern and Lazy Cakes need further examination before any conclusions can be drawn about their safety. So little is know about them now, and the danger to children needs to be investigated.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Salvia: The Unknown Drug

Salvia is a drug growing in popularity. You may hear about it on the news as a dangerous drug, or read about it in magazines or on the internet as a safe and legal way to experience psychedelic effects. Salvia also got a lot of national attention when popular celebrity Miley Cyrus was filmed smoking it. The thing is though, how many people know just what Salvia actually is, what it does, and how safe it is or isn't? Let's go in-depth about Salvia and shed a little light on just what the drug Salvia is.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Videogames and Misunderstandings.

Don't be afraid.
We all see it happen in the media, some violent videogame is spotlighted and while it may be something actual gamers would never go near people who don’t know about the industry get upset. For example, a new game that I won’t even dignify with a link will be coming out with you going to various instances of school shootings and re-living them as the shooter. A regular person reading about this would get extremely freaked out, because they don’t know that this isn’t an actual game being released at retail by a big company, but instead something done by an independent developer whom the mainstream game community pays only wrath and disgust.
Almost all independent games are on computers as big companies won't let games like the one discussed be released on their consoles
People hear about a “mod” to a game—which is when an individual or small group make their own version of a popular game they share with others—and think it is a huge release when in fact no one will actually be playing it in the gamer community outside of those with no taste. These so-called “games” don’t even go through the regular game industry, being rated by the volunteer organization the ESRB which assigns appropriate age-ratings based on a games content before it is released for sale in stores. No, these games can only be found online as free or paid-for content people download, that is how underground these sick individuals are.